My name is David, but most people insist on calling me Dave. Guess I'll just have to be a fuckin' Dave then.

I’m an international bestselling author of psychological suspense novels and a screenwriter. I have also taught creative writing for an amount of years you wouldn’t believe judging by my fresh face. Look at that picture of me head there… cute or wha’?

From inner city Dublin to middle England.

Quite literally.

My name is David, or Dave as everyone insists on calling me for some reason. I was brought up in Dublin, Ireland but now live in Birmingham, England with my wife Kerry and our daughter Lola.


I used to be a journalist. For 15 years I worked on the sports desks of national newspapers but I was also an award-winning music reviewer and at one stage I wrote one of those cheesy celebrity two-page spread columns in a Sunday tabloid. I tried to write fiction while I was a journalist… but it wasn’t easy. However, when I did finally hang up my dictaphone, I fell into line in terms of disciplining myself and – four months later – I managed to finish my first novel. I signed a three-book publishing deal off the back of that manuscript and then realised I was unlikely to make much money taking the traditional publishing route. On my first day as an independent author, I made more money than I had made in six months with my publisher. I have since sold over 400,000 novels, and I have been a number one bestselling author in Ireland, the UK, Canada and Australia—making six figure turnovers year on year.


I am currently working with a lauded production company on two major screenplays that are making great headway in the television industry. One of those projects, which I have signed an NDA on, is based on one of my books (I hope to reveal this at some point in 2025), and the other is a unique take on the Cop Drama genre that is currently on the slate of two production companies.


I have taught Creative Writing at Coventry University, at Rathmines College in Dublin, and at Camphill Grammar school (one of the top one per cent of schools in the UK they tell me). I’m a fully qualified teacher (what fun getting that qualification was!) and began teaching media ownership and creative writing in 2006. To become a full-time author, I pressed pause on being a journalist and lecturer at the tail end of 2018, though I still thoroughly enjoy teaching and now do so online.

I love helping you write, because I know how good it feels to write.